Words that will live with me for the rest of my life. Jered Weaver responded to reporters during yesterday's press conference pretty much giving the Halos hope. A hope that back in June (Life after the Dirtbag) I had thought was completely gone. Weaver essentially agreed to a contract with a huge home town discount and pretty much guaranteed he'll never have to buy a drink in an Orange County bar.
With Weaver re-upping for another 5 years will be atop the rotation that until 2013 will feature Dan Haren and Ervin Santana. A 1-2-3 punch with a bite. If the Halos can limp into the post season, they're an immediate threat.
But fans everywhere should be chanting the name of Jered Weaver. Weaver took less to be on this team, to stay home. That more than anything else, should give management and the fans that this team CAN be a contender. And gives us all hope!
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