First and foremost, I want it to be known that this isn't a paid advertisement. I have no business relationship with Costco, outside of my Executive Membership. They aren't affiliated with me,, although if they'd like to sponsor this website they can contact me and we'd be happy to work with them.
The only reason I'm writing this, is because like many I'm looking for deals. In this rough economy, it's even harder to get out to Angel Stadium to root on our boys. So when I saw the display at Costco, I had to share with you guys. At participating Costco Warehouse Stores they have an amazing deal on tickets to see your Angels in Action. Of course you want to check out your local Costco for terms and conditions and availability.
But I spent $37.99 for a deal that works out to 2 Field Box 132 Seats, 2 Hot Dogs, and 2 Sodas. You take your voucher from Costco to the Angel Stadium Box Office and you get your set of tickets, you pick from what's best available, we chose first base side, but you can choose either side. The folks at the box office couldn't be nicer and you can use them the same day or get your tickets to an upcoming event. The Box Office prices on those seats vary between $31 to $37. And the stadium's food is at least $4 per dog and $4 per soda. So there is a pretty good savings right there. You do have to be a Costco member, which I highly suggest anyway. (Again, no endorsement. Not yet anyway.)
Of course if you are looking for ways to save money or make money on the web check out my other blog...
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